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At Common Sense, we want our community to be a safe, helpful place for everyone to find inspiring, entertaining, age-appropriate, and high-quality media to share with their kids. Here is what you can expect, and what will be expected of you, as a member of the Common Sense community:

A respectful community

  • We're an inclusive community of parents, caregivers, and educators. Posting anything that demeans class, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, weight, or disability may result in prompt removal of the post. We'll also remove any post with insults or direct attacks on a person or their views.
  • We value diverse opinions and experiences, and expect our community to be respectful of others. While conversation is important, in this space we expect posts to focus solely on the media being reviewed.
  • Remember that both adults and children will see your comments and reviews. We'll remove anything off-topic or inappropriate.
  • We urge you to use a screen name that the community won't consider offensive. We'll respectfully ask you to change any name that falls outside of these guidelines.
  • A safe community depends on you. Please flag any inappropriate content you find. We'll permanently remove any post that we feel is obscene, hateful, illegal, threatening, humiliating, libelous, defamatory, or objectionable.
  • Please post only what you have the right to publish. We don't allow violation of copyright.

We're all responsible

  • We have a large community of diverse people. Because of this, we can't monitor or verify everything that our members post. Opinions and facts expressed in community reviews or comments don't necessarily reflect the views of Common Sense. Remember that people who post are responsible for all community information.
  • We reserve the right to modify your remarks (which we would only do if you make profane or defamatory comments). We also reserve the right to delete posts or ban users who breach community guidelines. Although we may not delete comments the community finds offensive, please report anything you think is inappropriate.
  • We trust that you are who you say you are. It's up to you to make sure we can verify your email address. If you pose as an expert and you aren't one, we'll remove your posts.
  • Remember, posts are public and visible to all of our visitors. Also note that search engines may find your posts and index them.
  • Because we're always growing and changing, we reserve the right to change our guidelines as necessary.


  • We never share your private or personal information with other organizations or people without your prior consent.
  • We don't contact children 13 and under. We support the COPPA law.
  • We urge you to protect your own privacy by never giving your password, personal phone numbers, or addresses to anyone online. Remember that if you choose to use your email address as your username, you're responsible for any email you receive.
  • Sometimes we request voluntary feedback from our community. We won't share your private information without your prior consent. Your reviews and comments, however, will be available to other community members.


We reserve the right to exclude anyone who violates our guidelines with or without notice.