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Khufiya movie poster: A close-up of Tabu who plays spy Krishna Mehra.


age 16+

Violent spy thriller has drinking, smoking, sex, language.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Nefarious Movie Poster: Three faces are superimposed over one another with evil-looking eyes


age 15+

Talky, faith-based thriller has a gruesome execution scene.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
The Ritual Killer Movie Poster: Cole Hauser looks to the right while holding a gun; Morgan Freeman poses behind him

The Ritual Killer

age 16+

Awful serial killer thriller has "witch doctor" stereotypes.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
The Best Man Movie Poster: Luke Wilson and Dolph Lundgren back to back holding assault rifles

The Best Man

age 16+

Violent thriller glorifies guns, pot, drinking; language.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Transfusion movie poster: Sam Worthington looks at camera while holding a rifle with a red background


age 17+

Australian crime drama has violence, language, drugs.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Marlowe Movie Poster: The face of Philip Marlowe looms in the upper right-hand corner, next to an image of the Cabana Club; the faces of six other major characters from the film appear smaller and along the left side, while the title appears to the right


age 15+

Violence, drugs in slick, cynical private-eye story.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Righteous Thieves Movie Poster: The five main characters' faces are seen in five vertical bars that stretch across the poster

Righteous Thieves

age 15+

Disappointing art heist movie has violence, language.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Devils Peak Movie Poster: Robin Wright, Billy Bob Thornton, and Hopper Penn

Devil's Peak

age 15+

Crime thriller has gun violence, drug use, strong language.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Holy Spider movie poster: Styled like a mosaic of brightly colored tiles, a woman from the shoulders up with garish makeup wearing a hijab. The title is under her in Arabic script.

Holy Spider

age 16+

Gripping, graphic Iranian thriller has violence, sex, drugs.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
How to Blow Up a Pipeline Movie Poster: The title appears in large red letters; below that, several characters are trying to move a very heavy red barrel

How to Blow Up a Pipeline

age 16+

Message movie argues for activism via sabotage.

In Theaters (Release Year: 2023)
Kill Boksoon movie poster: A Korean woman in red suit carries a bloody axe in left hand and a bag of groceries in right hand walks left leaving a trail of bloody footsteps

Kill Boksoon

age 16+

Blood, violence, stylish action in mother-as-assassin romp.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Tetris movie poster


age 14+

Political thriller based on real events; threat, language.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
The Strays movie poster: close up of Black woman's face left with tear starting to fall from her eye.

The Strays

age 15+

Misguided thriller has violence, stereotypes, language.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Unlocked: Danger lurks in our reliance on technology.


age 15+

Graphic images, peril, language in Korean hacker thriller.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Disquiet Movie Poster: Jonathan Rhys Meyers looks at the camera with a shocked expression; he's wearing a bloody bandage on his head


age 16+

Blood, language in abysmal "trapped in hospital" thriller.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)
Thunivu movie poster: a man kicks back with an automatic weapon in his arms


age 14+

Chaotic, twisty bank heist tale has violence, language.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2023)


age 16+

Korean political thriller has violence, torture, language.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2022)
Blackbird movie poster: Michael Flatley stands with a cut eye and lip while other characters from the film are projected onto his body amid an explosion


age 14+

Cult crime thriller has violence, drinking, bad acting.

In Theaters (Release Year: 2022)
I See You movie poster: 3 people look out as a person in a mask watched from behind

I See You

age 15+

Something evil's in the house; violence, language, smoking.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2019)
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer movie poster: The silhouette of a naked women from behind is seen being split in two with roses spilling out

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

age 16+

Unsettling serial killer period drama has sex and violence.

On DVD/Streaming (Release Year: 2006)