Parent and Kid Reviews on

The Killer

The Killer Movie Poster: In what looks like a painting, the Killer (Michael Fassebder) wears a Hawaiian print shirt and a coat and hat and points a gun
Our Review
age 13+

Based on 2 kid reviews

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age 11+

The Killer

I thought the first half of the movie was good. But for the last 45 minutes of this movie, I felt like it started to drag. And it’s kind of hard to follow along. But it is a well made movie.

This title has:

Educational value
Great messages
Great role models
1 person found this helpful.
age 15+

Violent, surprising hitman flick with lengthy dialogue

This was yet another very, very interesting and unique flick by David Fincher, completely estranging from the typical, generic hitman genre and instead completely differently portraying its main character with plenty of humour yet seriousness at the same time. I honestly found the depiction of him hilarious, which stressed both his preparations and mistakes and made a terribly pretentious and snobbish character feel as stupidly humane as any other person. The voiceovers were definitely interesting as well, but as I did with the dialogue, I felt that much of it was simply too talky and substantial to keep me fully invested, ultimately making it very difficult to follow certain events. Its ironic undertone definitely worked it out well, but such lengthy conversations and monologues immensely slowed its pacing down and falsely made it seem like nothing actually happened, which there did, hence I didn't appreciate that quite as much. I also didn't like how it used architecture and colour very well on screen in the first act and then sort of threw that away later on for more basic, generic cinematography, and a film as untypical as this one shouldn't have shifted like that. On the other hand, I totally loved the soundtrack which was just an awesome aspect to both the film and the character, and Michael Fassbender managed to both make me laugh and induce some serious tension in the more exciting, occasionally very shocking fighting sequences which were excellently choreographed and of perfect duration and impact. It was very neatly made, and although it wasn't as fun as it could've been due to the difficulty of staying engaged, what it turned out to be was a total, funny and interesting surprise.

This title has:

Too much violence